Join us for an explorative discussion and help us pave the way for a better future
Insight Discussions are Socratic-style dialogues designed to explore values, challenge preconceived ideas, discover common ground, and illuminate the potential for a more harmonious society.
We have uncovered a principle that could change the way you think about how to solve social issues.
But we need your insight. We want to discover if you find this social principle compelling. Throughout 2023, we will invite individuals with a diverse range of perspectives to participate in these Insight Discussions.
We are currently seeking volunteers for our discussion sessions. We're interested in your perspective as a civically-engaged individual. Our organization is not political or partisan, but this principle does have political ramifications, and we recognize that people like you play a unique role in our community. We want to know if you find this principle insightful and useful.
If you do not fit this criteria but are interested in participating in a future session, or if this date does not work for your schedule, please send an email to
What to expect
Insight Discussions are one-on-one, hour-long discussions hosted through Zoom. Jamie Karagatsoulis will be your host. Your discussion will be casual yet thought-provoking.
Come as you are. The pressure is on us, not you. It's our mission to present a unique and compelling concept. We desire your honest opinion. Questions, critical comments, and disagreements are sought and welcomed. The feedback and insights you share with us will remain private and anonymous.
Following the discussion, we'll want your thoughts on the experience. We will invite you to a follow-up call about a week later.
We will send you a clear invitation with all the scheduling details after we have processed your volunteer application.
Jamie Karagatsoulis
Host & Project Manager, Insight Discussions
Jamie Karagatsoulis is a graduate from the University of Michigan-Dearborn with a Master of Arts degree in Education. Prior to joining Harmony and Prosperity, she was a classroom educator for 10 years with a focus in primary education and balanced literacy. During that time, she was also an academic teacher trainer. Jamie is expanding her teaching, communication, and leadership skills into the Insight Discussions Program to help those she meets rethink how social issues can be solved in a more harmonious way.
Chris Rufer
Founder & President, The Morning Star Company
Chris Rufer founded the Morning Star Company in 1970 as a one truck owner-operator hauling tomatoes from farms to processing factories. The enterprise today processes 35% of the nation’s tomato crop. Morning Star operates with a unique organizational philosophy called "Mission-Focused Self-Management," where colleagues are accountable to their mission and to each other, rather than managers. Chris founded the Foundation for Harmony and Prosperity in 2007 to advance a mission of human well-being.
To persuade people to act, in all aspects of their lives, in concert with social principles that advance Human Happiness, Harmony and Prosperity.
© 2023, The Foundation for Harmony and Prosperity, All Rights Reserved